Spiritual Awakening Extraterrestrial Contact
Self-Discovery on the Precipice of the
Great Awakening
Self-Discovery on the Precipice of the
Great Awakening
In 1966, at four years of age, moonlight filtered through my window curtain to illuminate a tall, lanky creature. I flipped the blanket over my head, yet I could still see the dark intruder through my covers. The creature ambled to my bed, extended its long, spindly fingers, and tickled my stomach. I blacked out. What happened after that
In 1966, at four years of age, moonlight filtered through my window curtain to illuminate a tall, lanky creature. I flipped the blanket over my head, yet I could still see the dark intruder through my covers. The creature ambled to my bed, extended its long, spindly fingers, and tickled my stomach. I blacked out. What happened after that encounter, I do not recall. An implant procedure, perhaps? I’ve been strange ever since...the Black Sheep always at odds with societal norms. Photo Credit: Jennifer Vimmerstedt Photography
Fifty-plus years later, I relive that alien encounter like it happened yesterday. My life, rife with perils of all sorts, threat of death at the end of a double-barreled shotgun, paranormal events, darkness, and suicidal thoughts, triggered my Spiritual Awakening in 2003. Yeah...I've been through it. Like many of you, hard lessons along
Fifty-plus years later, I relive that alien encounter like it happened yesterday. My life, rife with perils of all sorts, threat of death at the end of a double-barreled shotgun, paranormal events, darkness, and suicidal thoughts, triggered my Spiritual Awakening in 2003. Yeah...I've been through it. Like many of you, hard lessons along the way made for a richer, stronger, fearless beast chucked out the chute at the end of life’s production line.
By sharing wisdom gained through life-experience, SpiritualMentor.net raises self-awareness, expands human consciousness, and acts as a catalyst for global, collective upliftment of humanity to transcend fear, prejudice, judgement, and separation amongst diverse cultures, terrestrial and extraterrestrial.
SpiritualMentor.net offers heali
By sharing wisdom gained through life-experience, SpiritualMentor.net raises self-awareness, expands human consciousness, and acts as a catalyst for global, collective upliftment of humanity to transcend fear, prejudice, judgement, and separation amongst diverse cultures, terrestrial and extraterrestrial.
SpiritualMentor.net offers healing guidance to inspire individuals to embark on their own path of self-discovery and self-realization. Through the transformative power of love, alignment with the highest frequencies of love and earth, abandonment of ego and old belief systems, empowered people can embrace the higher truth of our galactic heritage, activate dormant DNA codes, and unleash unlimited potentials.
· 2005-2007
Former Director – Humanity’s Team of Dallas
· 2016-2019
Former Board Member – Unity of Phoenix Spiritual Center
· 2018-Present
Senior Member – Metaphysical Researchers
· Lifetime Experiencer
Extraterrestrial Contact, Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Battle, Meditation Practice
NOTE: I do not provide readings, reiki, tarot, or astrology services. For those services, please contact: Lana: https://www.earthtolana.com/
Tracy: watchitgrow123@gmail.com
I mentor newly awakened individuals who seek support, greater insight, self-discovery, and an expanded understanding of spiritual concepts and spiritual practices on the precipice of the Great Awakening.
If you've experienced life-changing events to trigger your Spiritual Awakening, and need a mentor to help navigate your Spiritual Journey, please reach out to me to schedule a 30-minute Zoom mentoring session.
(The Divine in me bows to the Divine in you.)
Esperanza Creeger
Check out this great video
A Gift From the Stars – Extraterrestrial Contacts and Guide of Alien Races – Elena Danaan
A Manifesto of Peace – Michael Beckwith, D.D.
A New Earth - Eckhart Tolle
Behold a Pale Horse – William Cooper
Bringers of the Dawn – Barbara Marciniak
Conversations with God – Neale Donald Walsch
Earth: Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library - Barbara Marciniak
Encyclopedia Galactica: Artist’s Interview with Dr. Michael Salla
Jesus and the Essenes – Dolores Cannon
Life After Life – Raymond A. Moody, Jr. M.D.
Pawns in the Game - William Guy Carr
Book 1 https://youtu.be/hIfh9m_CSXs?si=-mX8q6H04hQgjsfE
Book 2 https://youtu.be/1rLSw03E6sI?si=nVtPBg6PSqFj1CLx
The Gods of Eden – William Bramley
The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight – Thom Hartmann
The Story of the Committee of 300 - John Coleman
AUDIOBOOK: Committee of 300 - Audiobook (youtube.com)
3 Min & 47 Seconds in Hell: My Journey That Led Me To God - Dominic Morrow
Dominic Morrow Interview: https://youtu.be/bTJMI4w97-0?si=MNoaLyysYmlC5FeA
Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth – Dolores Cannon
Wisdom of the Mystic Masters – Joseph J. Weed
Looks, talks, and walks like the Mark of the Beast. Beware!
For those services, please contact my gifted friends:
Lana at https://www.earthtolana.com/
Tracy at watchitgrow123@gmail.com
WILDHORSE RANCH RESCUE, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization